Everything sounds like crying eventually
Everything sounds like crying eventually is a project in which we imagine karaoke performances of songs-that-sound-like-crying.

In our continued research for ESLCE, karaoke has again and again revealed its queer resonances, thanks in part to Karen Tongson’s extensive writing on karaoke as a participatory, amateur and repetitive mode of performance. We also want to indulge a utopian reading of karaoke's dynamics that have, from the start, been its appeal for us. At a karaoke night hosted by Bar Notre-Dame-des-Quilles in Montreal, we watched a crowd of lovers, friends and strangers erupt in sync, full-throating “ahhhh, ha-ah-ahh, ohhh, ah” to the bridge of Shallow. We suspected then that karaoke, with its possibilities of social promiscuity, public intimacy and shared embarrassment, held potential to conjure queer space and call into being queer counterpublics.

Across the 4 different iterations of ESLCE so far, we persistently invoke karaoke and crying as twin themes, speculating what a collective public performance of “bad feelings” might do. Crying seems a sentient and appropriate response for queer folx in the current sociopolitical climate. But holding to the reparative mood of Ann Cvetkovich’s Depression: a public feeling, we posit that feeling bad publicly together might remake these negative affects as generative and political sites. Heard slantwise, these songs-that-sound-like-crying could also be cries of protest and resilience, of a public rallying, in solidarity and ecstasy.



Everything sounds like crying eventually

Modern Fuel Artist-Run Center , 18 January - 22 March 2025


Modern Fuel Artist-Run Centre, 2025

SIM, Iceland, 2023

CCA Digital Originals, 2021

Art & Media Lab, 2020

Agnes Etherington Art Centre, 2024 
04 ESLCE, Modern Fuel Artist-Run Centre
18 January – 22 March 2025

PHOTOS:   Michelle Bunton & Chris Miner
Curious about what conditions are conducive to queer gathering, this iteration of ESLCE builds towards a space for programming and performance aimed at new sightlines and ways of encountering one another in Modern Fuel.

In this multi-media installation of ESLCE, we reconfigure the architecture of Modern Fuel in scrim, a textile by turns opaque and transparent. By splitting walls, raising doors and arranging partitions into new nooks and corridors and forums, we build towards a space for performance and public programming 

Thank you to Em Harmsen for the integral advice and assistance with sewing. Thank you to Tessa Charlebois and William Carroll for installation support. 


What sounds like crying? (P.I): Wednesday, 19 February 2025, 1:00-4:00pm
Tear Jerkers began compiling a playlist of film clips, songs and sound bites that resemble crying, whether it be cries of mourning, joy or protest.

This public work/play session also included experiments with lighting, karaoke performances by Tear Jerkers and visitors of:
Change by Big Thief
Pain by Blackfield 
Funeral by Phoebe Bridgers 
17 by Youth Lagoon